
Worlds First Mobile AI Agents Development Framework based on Eliza from Ai16z

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Mobile AI Agents
Twitter Bots
Mobile AI Chat Bots
React Native Compatible
Flutter Compatible
Fully Customizable For Mobile
Mobile Wallet Integration
About us
We have built ShakeyOS for developers to create, customize, and deploy AI agents seamlessly for Mobile Apps. ShakeyOS provides a scalable environment for building intelligent assistants, automation tools, and AI-driven mobile applications. ShakeyOS extends base ElizaOS framework specifically for mobile applications, making it easy for developers to integrate AI agents into React Native and Flutter projects.
Work We Have Done
ShakeyOS framework enables developers to instantly have access to an AI integrated platform configured for React Native and Flutter frameworks, which they can use to create any niche of apps with AI Agents in them and ship it on IOS and Android stores without worrying about any extra work.
Our goal is to streamline workflows and establish an efficient ecosystem for building, testing, and deploying AI agents on mobile apps , empowering developers to ship AI ready mobile apps in no time.
This is built and engineered by Irenictech where we have over a decade of experience working on Mobile Apps, Custom Cloud Solutions, AI, Blockchain and AAA games.

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Road Map

Our roadmap outlines the future development of ShakeyOS, as we work to enhance the platform and make AI agent creation and deployment more efficient, intelligent, and accessible.

Phase 01

Framework Optimization

Reduce clutter from ElizaOS and just use mobile-specific modules.

Convert it into packages so anyone can just install the packages directly and have full integration.

Phase 02

Extending Framework on AI features

Extend the Shakey framework to allow Twitter bots to be configured within the premade apps.

On touch cloud configuration for Agents so it can be deployed from within dummy apps just with minimal setup.

Phase 03


Make Shakey Compatible to ship out and deploy code bases on all platforms from single codebase.

Build and refine native modules to enhance device-specific AI functionality.

Phase 04

Fully automated App creation and Ecosystem Expansion

We want to use AI agents to the full potential and let them build the app components with just simple commands.

Allowing publishing support so it’s just a command away to ship once accounts are connected.

Launch Social Media DApp for NFT trading and service exchanges.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is ShakeyOS?
ShakeyOS is an open-source mobile framework that extends ElizaOS, enabling seamless AI agent deployment for mobile applications.
What is ElizaOS?
ElizaOS is an open-source framework designed for developers to create, customize, and deploy AI agents effortlessly.
What kind of AI agents can I build with ShakeyOS?
With ShakeyOS, you can build intelligent assistants, automation tools, AI trading bots and so much more for mobile devices.
Which platforms does ShakeyOS support?
ShakeyOS supports React Native and Flutter projects, making it easy to integrate AI agents into mobile applications for IOS and Android devices.
What kinds of Apps can I build with ShakeyOS?
You can build any app that you can think of using ShakeyOS and easily import the AI features out of the box in them along with the wallet.
What do I need to build on ShakeyOS?
You need to have all the dependencies installed for react native or flutter and need to know some basic code structure for those platforms to easily complete your app.
Can the Shakey team build an app for us?
Yes, the Shakey team can work on your projects and provide development services in exchange to your Shakey Tokens.

Get in touch with us

Whether you’re a large-scale organization or a small business startup, our team of experts is here to help you build a strong online presence, and drive business growth.

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